Monday, October 10, 2016

Rusty has a new home and a new name!

You remember John's sweet dog Rusty? He was sweet

except for chewing everything up. So John told Rhonda (the dog Lady of Lake D'Arbonne)  that he would like to give Rusty a new home. Rhonda thought she had just the home for Rusty. The home that Rhonda had in mind did not work out so Rusty now lives with Rhonda (seven dogs!)

Rhonda has changed his name to Waffles.

I drove up to Rhonda's home today to see Rusty (er Waffles). But today also happens to be Rhonda's birthday. So I gave her a dozen roses. Happy Birthday Sweet Rhonda.

Here is a short video of Waffles (used to be Rusty) in his new home. I know that he is the luckiest dog that I have ever known.

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