Thursday, September 8, 2016

A Day at the Glen Ivy Hot Springs in Corona, California.

One day around 1924 the above group picture was taken. My Mom and all eight of my siblings are in the picture. This is probably the only such picture that I have or have ever seen. The rest of the group are cousins and friends. My family is identified in the picture below.

The Glen Ivy Hot Springs Resort was and still is a nice place. I vaguely remember going there with the family. The thing that stayed in my memory was a swimming pool inside a building. I think that I was under five.

Notice that my three brothers are all barefoot. None are in a sailor suit. (see picture of the Knowlton family in  the post about memories of my Mom). The other people in the picture have shoes. The two older brothers are wearing coveralls. My five sisters are all neatly dressed in stylish attire.

This is the family that was present when I was born. A family of 13 (two parents and nine kids). Lots of people around the dinner table. Like I have said, Nita married and left home when I was six months old. Gradually everybody left. By the time I was 12 or 13 there was only Dad and I. Then Dad had a stroke and left. Not very many people around the dinner table.

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