Sunday, July 31, 2016

Vital Signs for July 2016.

I lost 14 pounds in the month! 255 t0 241. I have been around 255 for a long time. I can feel it in how my pants fit. I read about a 500 calories per day diet. Lettuce for breakfast. A daily cocktail of water, apple cider vinegar, and lemon juice.. Not bad taste. My blood pressure is good,

In 353 days I will be 92. In 1451 days I will be 95!

Saturday, July 30, 2016

53rd Annual Watermelon Festival. Farmerville, Louisiana.

I attended the Watermelon parade in Farmerville today. And walked through the Midway. They were selling chunks of ice cold watermelon for one dollar. I asked them if they had a fork. I sadly walked away when they said no. It was hot. I thought to my self "I can use my fingers". I when back and got a piece. My fingers worked good. The melon was delicious!

Much money was raised for charity by auctioning off melons. One melon weighed 146 pounds, I do not know if it was the heaviest.

I had been watching during the parade for horses. Well, they came at the very end. I made a video of the horses.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Rusty. The story of his visit with us.

Rusty is a good looking yellow lab. Very active. John brought him home several months ago. A cute loving puppy who slept with John. Rusty grew up.

Rusty started to chew. I mean chew! He chewed up outdoor lights, placemats (several), my bathing suits (put out to dry), and anything he could get teeth into.

Above is the cover on my trailer spare tire.

This is the cover on John's hot tube. Rusty tore it up four times. John kept patching. And patching. John finally decided that Rusty was just too much of a hassle and advertised for someone to adopt him.

Today Rhonda came to clean. Guess what? She knew someone who wanted a dog to keep their dog company. Boy is Rusty company. So they loaded Rusty up.

So Rusty is gone with Rhonda. He lives in Stirlington now with a older female named Dora. Rhonda said that after a while Rusty was enjoying someone to play with. A win - win situation.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Greg Reynolds. A serious case of cancer.

Greg Reynolds is an old friend from the Jefferson Corner Liars Club. He has had a very serious operation, for cancer, and is scheduled for three weeks of extreme radiation treatment. Greg is an independent contractor and does not have medical insurance. His friends at the Liars Club are setting up a drawing for a Ruger 50th Anniversary 1022 rifle.

This rifle has been the best 22 rifle in the world for fifty years. Be sure to buy a bunch of chances! All of the money raised will go to Greg.

Yesterday there was a benefit affair for Greg in Arcadia.

Three bands played. The benefit went all day. Greg was able to attend. Picture above was taken at the benefit. Greg's family and many friends were in attendance. The video below was taken at the party.

PS Good news for Greg. All of us are happy. Greg went to a doctor in Shreveport today (Monday). Previously Greg had been told that he had four to five months to live, with the chance that three weeks of harsh radioactive treatment might help him. Today he was told that a treatment every two months would keep him going for several years. Needless to say Greg is very very happy. Aren't we all?

Maybe Greg will win the rifle and use it for many years.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

My cat Patches

Recently my son Mike posted on FaceBook an item about his cat.

He said; I do not know how it happened but my cat is the most wonderful cat in the world! 

I say; I do not know how it happened but my cat Patches is the homeliest cat in the world! She is so homely that she is cute. She also bites me often. She was raised in the woods and came walking into my life a year or two ago. At first she was my daughter Kerry's out door cat. But over time she moved into my life and I adopted her as my cat. It is nice to have someone to talk to.

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Ruston Farmers Market. Visit of July 23, 2016.

I enjoyed the singing of Ricky Pittman. He sang a couple dozen old timers. I could understand every word. I enjoyed his playing and singing.

Then I watched a cooking demonstration by Valerie Castanza. She made Pesto. I had two helpings. Sure was good!

On my way out I bought some Mad Dog Salsa. It was good.

Thursday, July 21, 2016

91st Birthday - more pictures.

These pictures were taken by John on his iPhone. They came out better than my pictures taken with my camera. Maybe I need a new camera?

Wednesday, July 20, 2016

91st Birthday Party at the Taco Bell.

I believe in a ritzy party. Taco Bell pulled out all stops. They had tables reserved for the party. They had Happy Birthday on the wall. They gave me $10 gift card. They were nice.  Maybe have my 92nd there?

There were 25 people. What a nice bunch of people. Swim friends, senior lunch friends, and Liars Club friends. Even some relatives. Daughter Kerry, son in law John, and great grandson Ethan. Here are some pictures and a short video.

Photo with Manager Amber. Nice lady. Excuse the poor lighting.