Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Flag Disposal Day. 2016.

Thanks to the leadership of JD Harper every Flag Day is also Flag Honoring and Disposal Day in Ruston, Louisiana. I refer to JD as Mr Flag. He is the Chairman of the local VFW Post. He and the post rents, furnishes, and leads in Flag displays for patriotic occasions in Ruston. He conducts the Flag Disposal Program. JD deserves our praise and thanks for all his good patriotic work.

The program today was not blessed with good weather. See following pictures. In the first photos the Boy Scouts demonstrate flag folding. It has started to rain hard and we are under a shelter.

Notice the stream of water running under the Scouts.

Our stalwart Scouts.

It really rained. These folks hung in there. I slunk away and went home like the summer soldier mentioned in the Thomas Paine pamphlet of 1776.

These are the times that try men's souls: The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of his country; but he that stands it now, deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.


  1. my son was one of the scouts that participated in the ceremony, I also think he's the one that got the wettest. hate they couldn't complete but will complete another day. this is a very special day for the scouts.
