Sunday, April 3, 2016

RW Norton Art Museum. Shreveport, Louisiana.

Boy! Did I have a day yesterday. Michael and Rhonda Ray picked me up around eight am and off we went to the First Annual Azalea Festival at the Norton Botanical Gardens in Shreveport. The garden is 400 acres of beautiful grounds that are by the RW Norton Art Museum. The garden features azaleas, the royalty of flowers.

Food wagons. One specializes in ice cream.

Music Center.

It was cool in the shade. Michael escorts Rhonda to their car to get long pants.

Ice cream wagon..

Good music. Jazzy flute!

Nice couple. 

Nice couple again. They were always getting in my picture.

We toured the gardens slowly. Sat often and long. Beautiful guitar music was playing fron speakers in the tress.

We walked througth the art gallery. It was large and fine. It had a room featuring beautifull paintings of Yosemite Valley. It even had an original casting of the Frederick Remington statue of the four drunk cowboys. (dozens more western statues) I want to return and spend more time in the art gallery.


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