Thursday, August 6, 2015

Rhonda remembers me!

I sure missed Rhonda while I was in the state of Washington for two weeks. Rhonda came into my life eight years ago when I started going to Jefferson Corner. John and I drove to Swartz to visit Rhonda and her Mom, Rosa today. They now run a convenience store (Harts Corner) in Swartz.

What do you know? Rhonda, remembered me.

She served John and I a wonderful meal. John said that it was so good that it was sinful.

Black-eyed peas, twice baked potato, pork chop, and brisket. Garlic bread and a delicious desert.

Rosa would not take any money. She sure is nice. Thank you Rosa. Our two meals were easily worth $30. She has pulled this on me before. I have to go to a system of not eating her food until she has put my money in her register.

I slipped in a selfie taken with a conventional camera.

John is resting after his wonderful meal.

Stop by for a good meal and a nice visit with the folks at Harts Corner.

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