Sunday, May 31, 2015

Baltimore. The trip of an unsupervised and willful (little kooky) boy.

Please read the post just before this one. (Baltimore. I walked out of town.) Link.

I have received two comments about my previous post. Both commenters expressed sorrow and sadness. The sad part of the post is how it points out that I did not have any home or supervision. It indicates that I was on my own at such a young age. I had been on my own for some time prior to the trip. Even before my Father had a severe stroke. My siblings (all older than me had me put in a boys home. George Junior Republic in Chino.)

I was so used to being on my own that I ran away from the Republic. (a semi reform school) In Pomona I got a job washing dishes and rented a room for $4.50 a month. (middle of the Great Depression) Did not miss much high school. Never went back to the Republic. George Junior Republic was and is a good boys home. Steve McQueen is a fellow alumni. He probably graduated.

The trip that dropped me in the middle of Baltimore was a fun thing. I did and still love going and seeing. This old age thing might just put an end to such things for me. Darn. I will be 90 in 49 days. I was cold and hungry on the trip home but no problems otherwise. I still remember coming up to the kitchen door of my sister Jean when I arrived in Pomona. Jean was a wonderful person in my life. She was like a Mom to me.

The trip was not really a sad thing. It was a foolish and silly (but still fun) thing. I am good at that.

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