Thursday, April 16, 2015

I love Ruston, Louisiana!

What a nice place. I am very fortunate to able to live here. Ruston is charming. Ruston is full of nice friendly people. They put extra syllables into most words. I am able to understand them most of the time. Altho, paragraphs will go by that I only catch a few to half the words in the paragraph.

I live in my fifth wheel trailer. It is parked in the nicest RV park in the world. I am parked in my daughters front yard. About 25 steps between our front doors. Kerry and her husband John are great company and are so good to me. I am so grateful to them for letting me park in their yard.

For eight years I have been attending an aqua exercise class at Louisiana Tech. Tech is a big part of my life. I have attended several dozen lectures and musicals at Tech. For a nominal fee of $54 a quarter I have a student body card that gets me into all Tech athletic events. I never had a chance to be a real sports fan until these last eight years. Now I seldom miss a local game. I have learned some basket ball rules and fine points. Also baseball, softball, volley ball, soccer, and football. There is a track meet every year.

I have always liked bluegrass and every kind of music. I belong to a bluegrass club in the nearby town of Arcadia. Also a charming place. The club has a musical once a month.

John and Kerry have two daughters that live in the area. I see their families often. Three great grandsons and a great grand daughter. The great grand daughter will be six on July 4th. She is my youngest great grand child. I am close to a lot of family.

I go to lunch at the senior center twice a week. I go to morning coffee most every morning. Usually at a local convenience store. I have been going to these affairs for years. I also attend the local VFW meetings. The VFW has a luncheon meeting every month and a breakfast meeting every Tuesday morning. I look forward to all of these meetings.

As I write this I can look out five back windows of my trailer and see nothing but trees. John's property of several acres is covered with woods. The house is surrounded by woods. Mostly hard woods but some pines. I take a water pill every morning. By noon I have urinated two dozen times. It is handy to have trees every where to pee behind. It seems to be more satisfying to pee outdoors, don't you think?

It is great entertainment to watch John enjoy his retirement. (a year now) He is a fantastic gardener. Both vegetables and flowers. He has planted a lot of fruit trees. He has built a treehouse. A 200 foot zip line. And rabbit hutches and and a chicken coop. There are critters in all of them. Two does just had litters of 8 each. Five hens lay five eggs a day. I was just sitting in my backyard and the chickens came to tell me hello. They do this often.

They walk up talking to me. I try my best chicken speech back to them. I think that we have bonded. I am really very fond of the chickens. They are handsome chickens.

John and Kerry have a nice black lab and three house cats. A stray cat from the woods has recently gave birth under the deck. We are all counting the days until the kittens come out.

There are many civic functions that I attend in the city of Ruston. Many involve food. This must be the fried fish/chicken and boiled mudbug capital of the world. Friday the Sheriff is putting on a breakfast/speeches/lunch affair. (free) With door prizes. The speeches are educational. Maybe I will post about the Sheriff affair.

I would like to repeat how much I love living in Ruston. What a beautiful place. What a charming place. What charming people. A great place for me to await the call of nature (death) when I will join my wife Jackie. Altho she is with me every day.

Please don't tell anyone that Ruston is a nice place to live.


  1. I'm glad you're so happy. I'll keep it to myself, though.

  2. Ruston is a nice place. I enjoyed your blog and look forward to reading more.
