Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Cousin John was one of Mosby's Raiders.

Mosby's Raiders was the 43 Battalion of the Virginia Cavalry. It was a behind the lines partisan (guerilla) striking group authorized by the Confederate Congress. The commander was John Mosby shown in picture below.

Good looking dude, huh? Here is a couple pictures of Mosby with some of his 400 troops. He is the fourth from the left in the middle row. Once leaning on his right elbow and then his left elbow. Slight change in the troops.

There is a stalwart young man on Mosby's right in both pictures. In the first picture his hand is on Mosby's knee. That young man is my cousin John Munson.

John later wrote a book with the title "Memoirs of a Mosby Raider" Good read.

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