Wednesday, November 5, 2014

The Monson Nose.

Have you heard of the Monson Nose? Well, I have. In my younger days at family gatherings and other times I often heard the expression "he/she sure has the Monson Nose". Here is a sketch of some nose types.

I would say that the center nose is like the Monson Nose. Almost all of my family has the Monson Nose. My daughters and great grand daughters married guys with pretty close to a Monson Nose. Therefore my grand kids and great grand kids should have a Monson Nose.

Lets study some actual Monson Noses.

My Dad with Mom and his Monson Nose.

My grand dad and his Monson Nose.

Me and my Monson Nose about 70 years ago.

Me and my Monson Nose about seven days ago. Not as pretty, huh?

My late son, Chris, had a great Monson Nose.

My oldest grandson, Matt, and wife Janelle.

Grandson Mark. Now that is a classic Monson Nose!

Grand daughter Corrie. Don't I have a better stock photograph? You can still see the Monson Nose.

Son in Law Bob Wright. That qualifies as a Monson Nose. Maybe a little too handsome.

Daughter Nancy Ann and the Old prunepicker.

Grandson in law Paymaan and grand daughter Annie. Pretty close to a Monson Nose, Paymaan.






Grandson in law David and son Christian. Those are Monson noses.

Grand daughter Joy and sons Ross, Christian, and Ethan. A bunch of Monson Noses.

Son in law John Adams. Classic Monson Nose.

Youngest daughter Kerry. What can I say, except another beautiful Monson Nose. That Monson Nose will be 60 years old next Saturday, November 8.

My late grandson, Steven,had a cute Monson Nose.

Grand daughter Katie, great grand daughter Johnny Lynn. The Monson Nose is even good looking in profile.

Grandson in law Justin. Another good looking bunch of Monson Noses.

Monson Noses wherever you look!

Son Mike. Nice Monson Nose.

Rebecca. Mikes wife. That is a lovely nose.

Mike and son Drew. A couple of good looking Monson Noses.

Mike's daughter Lily. I think that is a pretty Monson Nose.

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