Monday, September 1, 2014

Odds and Ends.

This gentleman is dressed as a Spanish soldier in the Army of General Galvez. He is a grenadier. He threw grenades in addition to being a rifleman. His talk was very interesting. Spain was on our side in the Revolutionary War. Galvez fought the English in several battles and won every one. Ending with the capture of Pensacola. Galveston is named after the General. I did not know that Spain was on our side in the revolution.

My last lecture of the four days at the conference was the one indicated in the picture below. Mrs Gagel taught writing in a college for a long time and taught us a lot in 60 minutes. She was inspirational.

When I walked back to the hotel for the last time it was Saturday night and the Riverwalk was packed. The walks on both sides of the river was full of foot traffic. Full boats were going both ways on the river and the traffic was very high. The picture below is of the line of people loading on the boats.

Crying in the rain. When I drove home I visited Willis and the trailer park where Jackie and I lived for several years. This is a picture of site today. I can see the shed I had built in the backyard. My son in law John and I built that deck 28 years ago. The swing holder that I installed is still standing. The crossbeam is still intact.

I drove out in the woods to buy some Mr Early's Barbecue. We did that several times a month when we lived there. I was going to take a Mr Early meal home to Ruston. So sad! He was not open. Mr Early has passed away and his sons carry on the tradition of brisket, ribs, hot links, chicken, and banana pudding. Below is a picture of Mr Early's.

When I left Willis I drove to Huntsville and then east to Livingston. This is all very familiar country.
Jackie and I drove it many times. Many times pulling our fifth wheel trailer. A hard rain started falling. As I drove along in my car in the rain I started crying with deep sadness. I miss Jackie. I miss the old times. There must be a sadness from knowing that basically life is over for me. I have lived it. I have had it. My present life is full of family and friends, and I am busy and happy, but still it is not like the old days.

It was good to get home to Ruston and see the chickens. And family. There was a daughter, a son in law, two grand daughters, two grandsons in law, and four great grand children. Life is good!

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