Tuesday, July 22, 2014

(Widower 17) The Munson/Monsons of Kentucky.

My line of Munson/Monsons were in Kentucky for a long time. There must be many there still as my ancestors had large families. My Great grandfather 4th, Samuel Munson, was my first ancestor to move to Kentucky.

Samuel Munson (great grand 4th) 1717 to 1790 died in Fayette County.
Samuel Munson (great grand 3rd) 1760 to 1832 died in Harrison County. (Cholera plague)
Joel Munson (great grand 2nd) 1791 to 1860 died in Harrison County.
Abner L Monson (great grand 1st) 1825 to 1875 died in Robertson County. (note the name change)
James Mart Monson (grandfather) 1856 to 1927 died in Kenton County.

My Dad Charles Abner Monson 1881 to 1957 died in Los Angeles County, California. He was adopted at an early age by his Uncle Charles Morton Monson. He was raised in Stirling, Kansas.

So my line of the Munson Solomon Clan lived in Kentucky from around 1750 with  the arrival of Samuel (great grand 4th) to the time when my Dad moved to Kansas around 1885. Say around 135 years.

The Kentucky Munsons lived in six counties. Fayette, Bourbon, Harrison, Robertson, Bracken, and Kenton. These counties lie between Lexington and the northern border of Kentucky. My Dad was born in Covington, Kentucky which is in Kenton County, just over the river from Cincinnati, Ohio. See County map of North Central Kentucky.
My Dad always felt like a son of Kentucky. I do not remember him ever mentioning Kansas. He worked with horses all his life or until they went out of style for work. His favorite complement for a person (I use it often) was " you sir, are a gentleman, and a scholar, and a good judge of horse flesh".

Bluegrass Country. (I love the country and the music!)

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