Sunday, July 20, 2014

(Widower 15) Morristown, New Jersey. Great grand Solomon.

I spent just a few days in New Haven. I found the gravestone of Thomas (great grand 8th). I am reasonably sure that the graves of Samuel (great grand 7th) and Samuel (great grand 6th) are in the cemetery in Wallingford. I could not identify any headstones for them. There were many headstones in the Wallingford cemetery worn completely smooth. Many stones were 300 years old. Sandstone does not last forever.

Thomas had one son. His son had nine sons. These nine sons (one is my great grand 6th, Samuel) had 17 sons. The Munsons are divided into 17 clans. Each clan is named after the names of these 17 great grandsons of Thomas. I am in the Solomon Clan. Solomon (great grand 5th) is the oldest son of Samuel (great grand 6th).

Solomon is said to be the first Munson to move away from the New Haven area. He moved to Morristown, New Jersey. Morristown was established by English Presbyterians from New Haven and Long Island in 1715. Solomon was born 1689 in Wallingford and died 1773 in Morristown. He was buried in the Burying Ground of the First Presbyterian Church in Morristown. My heart went pitter pat with excitement as I headed for his grave. I knew that I was going to find Solomon's headstone.

Solomon and family moved 113 miles to a town yet to be built, in the middle of the 18th century. Here is a picture of the First Presbyterian Church of Morristown. Still in use today.

Alas and alack.  Even tho I spent hours looking, I could not find Solomon's headstone. The stones were too worn. With time and the help of local genealogists I might be able to find it. I would not mind going back. Here are some pictures I took.

See how worn the stones are? Also look how close we are to the city, Morristown just reeks of history. It was the headquarters of George Washington several times. Remember George? He first met Lafayette here. Remember Lafayette?

Morristown is only 32 miles from New York. I considered going in to see Ground Zero. But I had scheduled events to attend. If I went back, I could use public transportation to the city in between studying up on Solomon, the Father of my Munson Clan.

I am posting this on July 20, 2014. This is my 89th birthday. I am hoping for a 90th.

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