Tuesday, June 24, 2014

(RV 39) Whats so great about LaConner?

We liked the Thousand Trails park. It seemed like home to Jackie and I. We soon knew many of the regular guests and the staff. Some people came every weekend. Some parked a trailer. We participated in the park activities. Line dancing, Saturday morning pancake breakfast, suppers, etc. We liked the Skagit Valley and the whole area.

The land that the park was on was leased from an Indian tribe. Right in front of the clubhouse there was a point that the Indians put out a very large net. They would pull it out with a boat. Once a day they would pull the net in. It took a long time. I remember one time they only netted one fish. That was after hours of work.  They usually got several hundred. They would sell some to the park guests.

We liked the nearby area and towns. The Skagit Flats were loaded with tulips in the spring.

We liked Anacortes, Mount Vernon, and Bellingham. We drove up on the front side of Mount Baker. (See Mount Baker in the picture above.) We drove around to the back side of the Mountain to Baker Lake. We got a view of the backside of Mount Baker. We drove over the Coat Range to Winthrop, an old west town.

Driving back from Bellingham you can take scenic Chuckanut Drive.

The drive come right down the coast to Mount Vernon. My name is Chuck. Some thought that the name Chuckanut came from me. Not true.

We spent so much time at the Thousand Trials La Conner park that relatives visited us. In this picture our son in law Bob Wright from San Juan Capistrano is on the left.  My wife Jackie Monson is in the center. The clubhouse is behind them.

Below is the view out from the clubhouse. The girl in front with the painted face looks familiar. (Bob's little girl Corrie.)

Below is a furious shuffle board game.. Bob is captain of the near team and Jackie is captain of the far team. The mountain on the horizon is Mount Erie, the highest point on Fidalgo Island. A favorite ride of Jackie and I was to the top of the mountain for the view of the San Juan Islands.

My brother Warren lived in Seattle. Warren and  I had some good visits over the years.

View from Mount Erie.

You can see an island in the little lake below. This was written up by "Believe it not Ripley" as an island on an island.