Saturday, June 21, 2014

(RV 36) Thanksgiving 1989.

Up 101 from Pio Pico to San Juan Capistrano. 95 miles. My daughter Nancy lived here and we parked at their curb. Handy. Nice visit.

55 miles over to Chino to the Alfa factory. We lived in the trailer while they repaired the trailer side that was torn up by the tire blow out in Scranton, PA. When we left the factory we drove across Los Angeles in the middle of the day traffic. This would have been bad in a car but with a truck and trailer it was awful.

We drove 163 miles to Rancho Oso. This was a TT park in the mountains north of Santa
Barbara. The last ten miles was up a one way road. The Thousand Trails Rangers had to check that the road was clear before they let you on the road. One or two curves had large mirrors to help you check the road. The park was rustic and horsey. Ford and fellow millionaires once had a camp in this area, Our oldest grandson Matt and his wife Janelle were going to the University of California at Santa Barbara. They were about 30 miles away and we had a visit with them. They came up to the park for a visit.

The park headquarters and mess hall. Old building left over by millionaires, I guess.

I told you that the park was horsey.

163 miles to Avila. Jackie and I are very familiar with this area. Jackie was raised nearby in San Luis Obispo.

I came here, as a child, with my sister Thelma's family when I was visiting with them in the San Joaquin Valley in the 1940s. Avila was the closest cool spot to the Valley. When I was a student Jackie and I would spend time at Avila with our babies, Nancy and Chris.We spent Thanksgiving Week at Avila. Jackie's Mother lived in San Luis Obispo and our youngest son Mike was in San Francisco. They both came and visited us. Jackie fixed the typical Thanksgiving meal in the trailer. It was like old times!

Cal Poly students called a visit to Avila beach a lesson in the Course Avila 101.

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