Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Heart warming story of the Lost Chicken.

Since I posted my last blog this morning about John's chickens there has been a heart wrenching happening in the flock.

The six chickens stay together all day. If one lags behind, as soon as he is aware of it he frantically runs to catch up and be reunited with the flock.

About mid-morning John noticed there was one poor lonely chicken in  the coop. He deduced that the chicken had become lost from the flock and had returned to the coop to wait for the flock. The chicken knew that eventually the flock would return to the coop. John found the flock and herded them to the coop. As soon as the poor lost chicken in the coop saw the flock he flew out of the coop and rejoined it. There was great rejoicing.

Doesn't that warm the cockles of your heart?

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