Friday, May 16, 2014

(RV 8) On to Perry, Maine. Almost Canada.

Jackie and I left Foxboro and drove North. We stopped midway up the coast of Maine at Boothbay. Doesn't that name sound like Maine? We stayed in Boothbay about a week. This was my first experience with the high tides in the northeast. We arrived in Boothbay and set up camp next to a charming inlet of water. When we got up in the morning there was no water to be seen. The tide was out and all the inlets were mud flats. Weird. We got used to it. Tides in the Bay of Fundy run as high as 48 feet. The highest in the world. We were looking forward to seeing the Bay of Fundy.

We then drove to Perry, Maine where we had paid for a 30 day stay at the Sunrise Shores RV park. We made many trips from here. Perry is located on the 45th parallel. Halfway between the North Pole and the Equator. Nearby is the very most northeast point of the continental US.

One memorable trip was to Campobello Island, Canada to see the summer home of FDR.

When we drove into the border crossing into Canada the official asked what country I was from. I answered in a voice with some bravado "I am from the Republic of Texas!". I could tell that the official did not like smart asses. During the rest of the interview he was curt and unfriendly. I never joked with a border guard again.

We spent the month of July, 1986 in Perry. The town had fireworks off a barge at the downtown waterfront. Good show. It was cold but they had hot chowder! July 20 was my 61st birthday.

A little north of Perry was the town of Calais. The border crossing into Canada was there. We went across several times. Visited a sardine cannery.

We made an all day trip to Saint John (largest city in New Brunswick). They were having a civic celebration. We were entertained in the downtown square. This is a picture of buskers in Saint John.

We had spent a month in Perry. I do not know what we found to do for a whole month. I am sure that we  were ready when it came time to drive to the Bay of Fundy National Park.

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