Wednesday, February 5, 2014

(Army 24) My beautiful 64 points!

I was so proud of my 64 Service Points. We were kept well informed on the status of shipping troops home. I probably got to the top of the line in mid November. I packed my bag and boarded a troop ship in Inchon. What a happy load of people. We headed for Tacoma (Tacoma? I want to go to California.)

The main entertainment going home was watching high stakes poker games. A lot of the troops had thousands of dollars from the black market. Some big shots on the ship's crew ran the game  They cut every pot and were really making money. The games ran day and night. Players could order sandwiches, at a big price, from the ship's mess. The sandwiches looked delicious.

Soon we were in Tacoma. I was a participant in a mutiny. See the story at Mutiny.

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