Saturday, January 25, 2014

(Army 15) A trip across the ocean with Red Skelton and Esther Williams.

The trip from Guadalcanal to Pearl Harbor was not too jolly. It was a long slow ride. I did not know anyone. There was not much food. Not much water. I mentioned the salt water showers. A salt water shower is good for killing skin infections. It is not very good for making you feel clean. They had soap designed for salt water but you still felt dirty when you finished a shower. The fresh water drinking fountains were only turned on for a few moments a day. You would get your canteen, get in line, and fill it in order to have drinking water during the day. It was hot and stuffy in the hold. A lot of people would sleep laying on the deck. The deck would be completely covered with bodies every night. I remember finding a spot that required me to lay bent around a pole.

Troopship travel was some of the worst duty that I had while in the Army. I had four months of it. Some transports was better that others.

This troopship only had one movie. They showed it every night. I went to see it every night. Fortunately it was a bight happy movie. It was "Bathing Beauty". The movie starred Red Skelton and Esther Williams.

I knew all the dialogue, scenes, etc.

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