Saturday, November 2, 2013

The old Prunepicker attends his first Episcopal Service.

There is an old saying "everyone should attend an Episcopal Church Service at least once". Well I did today. It was at an annual meeting of the Christ Episcopal Church in Napoleonville, Louisiana. The Church was built by settlers from New England in 1853. A large part of the founding group were Munsons. It is a lovely Church in active use and maintained by a devoted group. At the business meeting held today they discussed Bylaws. Made me feel right at home.

 The statue on the left is on the Munson tomb.

Episcopalians really worship. They kneel, standup, sit, sing, and speak.

They assured me that this dog is an Episcopalian. He was at the alter during the service.

A little wine.

Some good food. Sure was good.

This is Amie Stewart, who is an old friend. She posts on The Thomas Munson Foundation FaceBook page and kept me posted on the Munson Reunion. It was nice to meet her.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Joy. I saw lots of nice cousins at the reunion.

  2. Cousin Chuck, this is just a wonderful blog of yours and of course I just love the latest post of our Christ Church Munson annual event! You took some beautiful pictures and great captions. I am so very glad we discovered you , you are a treasure and we are so god to have you in the local Munson fold. we can both keep up with other Munson clans and events. Again, it was so nice to meet you and so wonderful of you to come to Napoleonville. Next year, plan to stay a little longer in the day as you can come back to my parents home(they have passed) on the bayou & then visit Madewood Plantation. It is the Pugh plantation but we are related to them down here. Love the Blog and the history, i would love to get to Rattlesden England one day, my Mother has visited New Haven , Ct., a lot of Munson history there. Well, we will chat later and I will show your blog around to others from yesterday! bye for now, Amie

    1. Cousin Amie. Thanks so much for your comment. I bet that I will be there next year. You would love Rattlesden. I would like to go back someday. Hugs and love, Chuck.
