Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Five Tuesday evening classes in October.

The History Department at Louisiana Tech recently announced a series of five lectures on Muslims in America. The first class is on October 1 and the fifth and last class will be held on October 29. Sounds like fun, huh? I phoned to register and I was advised that there is written material available to go with the class. I drove out to the campus yesterday to pick it up so I could get prepared for the class. Look what I was given. A book for each class. About a hundred dollars worth of books. However, they will be loaned to me.

Some details on the books.

October 1. A book on the resurgence of the veil. Contains much history of the Muslim Brotherhood. (The brains behind Al Qaida)

October 8. A Muslim Prince sold into slavery in the late 18th century. He lived his last few years as a freeman.

October 15. An overall review of Muslims in America.

October 22. A first person story of the conversion of a woman to Islam.

October 29. A view of religious pluralism.

I am going to be doing more reading than I have done for a long time. I am going to be attending five classes. I wonder if I can pass the final exam.

Should help keep me off the streets.


  1. That sounds interesting. I bet you'll learn a lot. Are there any other classes at the senior center you are looking at taking?

  2. Chris had a history of the Ottoman Empire in his backpack that I have read. I am trying to read the Quiet Revolution by class time this evening. 350 pages and I am a slow reader. Next spring there is supposed to be another writing class at the Monroe Senior Center.

  3. How great that you are taking this class. I hope I'm not over-stepping here, but please consider supplementing your study of Islam with sites like http://www.jihadwatch.org/ and http://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/

    Nothing like getting a well-rounded view, after all; I suspect the truth is somewhere in the middle. :)

    1. Your comments are appreciated. I am aware of the references you cite. Thanks for reading.
