Friday, June 7, 2013

Coast to coast on a loaf of bread and a pound of baloney.

Early in World War II I was in New York and got very home sick for Pomona, California. I was used to hitch hiking in those days but it looked very difficult to hitch hike out of New York City. So I took what little money I had and bought a bus ticket toward California.  My money bought a ticket to Baltimore,  Maryland. I remember walking across Baltimore and also Washington, DC. Long interesting walks.  I walked by an army camp and watched troops marching in big fields. I did so want to be one of them, but was too young.

I sold the clothes and things I had with me. I only kept what I could wear. It was two or three layers of clothes. I bought a loaf of bread and a pound of baloney. I  had a piece of bread when I arrived in Pomona at my sister Jean's house. The trip took five days. My bus trip from Pomona to New York took seven days.

First class hitch hiking. A loaf of bread and a pound of baloney every five days! I do not remember any other food, but there  must have been some. One cold night I paid two dollars for a room.


  1. Hi Mr. Monson, I am an old blog buddy of Chris's and was just transferring all of my Google Reader feeds to my new reader and visited his blog. I miss his wonderful wit and wisdom still. Anyway, I just wanted to pop in here and see how you are doing. :)

    I love reading your stories and have spent quite a few minutes doing so. I'll definitely be back to see what you are up to or what memories you record.

  2. I miss Chris very much. He was wise. All of my children are wiser than me, I am glad and proud to say. I had many happy and interesting conversations with Chris. I miss them.

    Thanks for your nice comments.
