Saturday, May 18, 2013

Jackie and Chris had a visitor.

The ashes of my dear wife Jackie and beloved son Chris share a gravesite at Arlington National Cemetery. My ashes will join theirs. I think about this place now and then.

I was touched to learn that my nephew Mark Wright visited the grave last week. Thanks, Mark.

This is a view of the grave. There is a temporary card with the data about Chris in front of the monument. The data is now engraved on the back of the monument.

This is a view in the other direction from the grave.

The text above is the data about Jackie that is now engraved on the front of the monument. And the data about Christopher that is on the back, When my ashes are added a new monument will be installed with my data on the front and Jackie and Chris's data on the back. Rank has its privileges. I was a CPL, you know.

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