Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Heparin needle.

I have been getting heparin shots in my belly twice a day for a month. The last week I have been doing it. It does not hurt but I hate doing it. Heparin is a anti clot medicine and a blood thinner. I am glad that I only have enough for a few more days.

I hope I do not have use a needle again.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Shelley. Physical therapy expert.

Shelley is with Carroll Home Health. She really knows her stuff.

A walk to the corner of HWY 544 and Spring Creek.

About a mile walk.

We live in an area with lots of busy intersections.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Joy is 40 years old.

The young lady in this picture is my grand daughter Joy with most of her family. So young and pretty!

I take nine Prescription Medicines at this time.

How can I die with so much medicine working on me? I went for a little walk this morning (thinking about immortality). Sure was good to get back. I carried a little camp chair so I could stop and rest. I can not go for a drive until I am cleared to drive my car.

When I got home I made a list of the medicines I take now. Thursday I have an appointment to review them with Dr Carter, my VA Doctor in Monroe.

Can you think of any thing I am missing?

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Death in the air.

Death and sadness is in the air. Look at Bangladesh and Boston. These things are in the news and in my mind and I realize that I will die soon. This the sad truth. Yet I realize that I live in very fortunate circumstances. I should spend much more time counting my blessings than I do thinking negative thoughts.

I am trying.

Friday, April 26, 2013

Needle in the belly and new gravel on the driveway.

First day at home was exciting. John gave a me a shot of Heparin in the belly and then got a new coating of gravel on his driveway.

What a pretty driveway,

Thursday, April 25, 2013

First Day Home.

A few last pics of my old friends at Ruston Nursing and Rehabilitation Center. They are all so nice.

A very nice place.

They tried to teach me how to talk.

Nice lady.

My Sweetheart.


Home Sweet Home. That is the Adam's house in my backyard.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Lunch at Jefferson Corner.

Jefferson Corner sure looked good. I had not been there since the Friday before my brain surgery. That was a month ago. Rhonda picked me up and the Colman's brought me back to Ruston Rehab.

Cookie with the smiling face.

Pork chops and cheesy chicken spaghetti.

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

I had several guests while at Ruston Rehab.

They were so nice to take time out of their busy lives to come see me.

I did not get pictures of them all.

I missed getting pictures of Skip Russell, JD Harper, John Matthews, Rosa Blakley, Joy Newberry, Kerry Adams, John Adams,

Monday, April 22, 2013

I am a star of Rehab!

John came in this morning and said that they are sending me home on Thursday. It is going to be exciting to get home, It will be good to see Midnight, Felix, and the new kittens. It will be exciting to have something to blog about instead of just brain surgery.

I thought that I was a natural at rehab.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Transient ischemic attack.

I had my third TIA yesterday. Some call it a mini stroke. It can last a few minutes to several minutes, The effect on me is two fold, My right hand will not respond correctly and I will not be able to say what I want to say.

I have had three TIAs. On April 3, April 5, and April 20.

I am hoping for no more,

Saturday, April 20, 2013