Monday, March 18, 2013

Last week end was pretty busy.

Three  baseball games, one soccer game with a soccer camp, and a track meet. I even worked in a couple of lethargic moments.

Baseball games with Stephan F Austin, Friday evening and Saturday and Sunday afternoons. We lost on Friday but won the other two games. It was great shirtsleeve weather and I enjoyed the games. Stayed for an hour of the Friday game, 2 hour of the Saturday game, and 2 1/2 hour of the Sunday game. John mentions how slow baseball is. One game I thought was over but it was just the first inning that was over!

When I left my car to go to baseball game I saw the soccer field and the track area was busy. I did not feel up to going over to them to get better picture. Took several log shots. Either event would have made a blog post.

Soccer game.

Long shot of the track meet.

Soccer bleachers.

Track meet bleachers.

Pretty baseball scene during the National Anthem.

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