Sunday, February 24, 2013

Baseball. Dawgs vs Oral Roberts University.

I attended the Friday night and Saturday afternoon games. These were the first home games this year. Good crowds. I was late to both games and could not find a parking place in the parking lot. I had to drive under the railroad tracks and park on the street behind the scoreboard and tightwad hill. It was 700 steps or 1/3 mile around to the stadium. So each game required a 2/3 mile walk. I thought how lucky I am! I need the exercise.

Good group on tightwad hill.

I see that right ear is also a baseball fan. On Friday night I was sitting right behind the right ear.

We won Fridsy 2 to 0.

Saturday I sat on the Dawg dugout.

It looked like we were going to win on Saturday. However an ORU 3 run homer in the top of the eighth gave us a loss. They won 5 to 4. 

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