Sunday, December 2, 2012

Basketball. Techsters vs Ole Miss.

Great game for a Tech fan. We were never once behind in the score. However, Ole Miss came within one once and were always in contention. It was the annual pack the stadium night and the place was packed. Free entertainment,  gifts, and food. Free food always draws a crowd. There were long lines in the concourse.

A mens glee club harmonized on the National Anthem. It was beautiful.

Notice that it was a 13 tuba game! It takes 13 to spell Louisiana Tech. How could we loose?

The band had 2 or 3 times the usual number of players plus banner wavers in the upper deck.

They spared no expense. They had a dog act from California. They dog sat on the man's arm while he did tricks on a skateboard. Sounds like California, huh? The prunepicker knows.

What a nice couple. Carolyn and Skip. Skip had his little horses at the pre game entertainment.

These fans are praying for the Techsters.

It was a tough shot to get the right ear.

We won 57 to 54. Ole Miss missed a three pointer right at the bell.

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