Thursday, November 1, 2012

Senility. An example.

Monday afternoon I signed some checks for the Lincoln Council on Aging. I am on the Board of Directors of the Lincoln COA. Michelle, the Executive Director of the Lincoln COA asked if I would come by Tuesday (the next day) after 12 and sign payroll checks. I said "sure". I really did not think that it was necessary (surely I would remember from one afternoon to the next) but I scribbled a note in my pocket note book to make sure that I would show up.

I scribbled three words in the middle of the space for Tuesday. "After 12 sign"

Tuesday was a slow day for me after VFW breakfast and a walk. I spent all day at home. Several times I checked my notebook to see if I had anything to go to or to do. Several times I read the words "After 12 sign". I asked myself "what does that mean?" After 12 sign? I thought if there was something about a sign that I was to check on. I could not think of what the three words meant. If I had added checks after sign I would have figured it out.

About 4 in the afternoon Michelle texted me to ask where I was, and we set up an appointment for me to sign the checks Wednesday morning.

This story might be funny except for the fact that it worries me. I have to face the fact that I am getting  senile. I never was the sharpest chisel in the toolbox and now I am now getting duller. I guess it must be  part of being 87.

I sure have to write better notes to myself.

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