Saturday, September 22, 2012

World War II Museum visit.

The adult price for the Museum is $27. I was let in free as a WW 2 veteran. I knew that my army service would pay off someday!

I spent many hours in a Higgens Boat. Made two combat landings. Angaur and Okinawa.

Did a lot of training on the water cooled 30 caliber and the 50 caliber air cooled machine guns.

Spent many nights in a bunk bed like this. 

I was well dressed.

Peleliu is where I was wounded in September 1944.

The landing on Japan was going to be much bigger than D Day. We were getting ready. I loved the sound of the words "atomic bomb".

The  Museum has added a Tom Hanks film on the story of WW 2.  65 million people were killed during the war. The largest war in the history of the world. I enjoyed my visit. There is another large building under construction.

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