Thursday, September 20, 2012

This is my 1399th blog post.

That is a lot. My first post was on April 11, 2010. That is 893 days ago. I do not believe that I have missed a single day of blogging. My average is 1.6 posts per day. I enjoy the hobby and have received a lot of enjoyment from it. I live with a camera in my pocket and am constantly looking for some item or thing that could be the subject of a post. I am sometimes at a loss for a subject. That is when I post about what I had for breakfast or some other mundane thing (my life is mostly mundane) that is going on in my life. My subject yesterday was coffee at Starbucks.

It is fun and kind of exciting that people read my blog. I have a program that tells me how many people have visited my blog each day. I started with zero. My average has been as high as a hundred visits per day. The number of visits in a day has been as high as a few hundred. It is now around ninety.

I am glad that you have visited my blog "prune picker". Please come again.

Love from Chuck Monson, the old prune picker.

On Okinawa 1945. The old prune picker on the left waiting his turn on the jackhammer.

I can not believe that I was ever that young!

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