Saturday, August 18, 2012

A morning at Dana Point Harbor.

On Friday morning I spent a few hours at Dana Point Harbor. This place is one of my favorite places on earth.  When I first saw it some sixty years ago it was a natural harbor just south of Dana Point with a tiny bit of beach. Now it is several miles of boat filled marinas, restaurants, and shops. It is landscaped to the teeth.

Just below where I took this picture was a little bit of beach. Look at it now!

I had breakfast at Proud Mary's.

This bird landed while I watched.

This group of mostly young people were having a meeting. I found out that this was a meeting of Narcotics Anonymous.  This is a group like AA. They are very active and NA is the second largest 12 step self help group in the nation. I wish them the very best.

These folks were going fishing.

This nice boat was for sale.

Nice place for a walk. I took one.

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