Tuesday, July 17, 2012

El Sarape.

Jackie and I started going to this restaurant in the early 1990s when it first opened in downtown Port Townsend. We ate there many dozens of times. Many times just the two of us but many times as part of a group from the Escapee Park.

If possible when we were alone we ate at a table for two just inside the door. From there we could see the water and we would watch the traffic on the sidewalk. This last two weeks have been for me a wallow in the memory of Jackie and I together. I have taken many of our favorite drives and have parked where we often parked. Today I really wallowed. I had lunch at our table for two at the El Sarape. Everything was the same as when Jackie and I ate there. Even the waiter was the same man.

I have so many happy memories. I am still picking some up.


  1. I remember Nancy Griggs and Lily and I eating there with you and Jackie. A LONG time ago.


    1. I remember that visit very well. I can remember pushing Lily in a stroller around the park so that she would go to sleep. She was such a pretty little girl!

    2. You should see her now!
      Did you know that yesterday she found out that she got a paid internship in the marketing department of a big company in Fresno?
      It's called Star Foods and she will be working with the director of marketing.


