Friday, June 1, 2012

Paris, France not Texas.

I have taken a nap in Paris, Texas and I have been to Paris, California, but yesterday was my first day in Paris, France. My daughter Nancy has been here numerous times before but this is my first time. We walked through an antique sale in a park, walked down to the Seine River, and caught a tour bus for a two hour ride around the city. After supper we walked over to a park and watched joggers, tennis games, and men playing speed chess. A lady was painting a picture of some flowers.

I took a few pictures.

Nancy window shopping.

That is people on top of the monument.

The pointy thing is a souvenir that Napoleon brought home from Egypt. 

A church across the street from our hotel.

This is the Paris version of an egg, cheese, and ham biscuit.

That can not be a bird on that gentlemen's head!?

Yes it is.

 Another church in the neighborhood.

1 comment:

  1. That breakfast sandwich looks so tasty! Was it better than a McMuffin?

    This is from Janelle again, in case I can't ID myself in "from". ;)
