Thursday, May 17, 2012

Europe Trip. Day Three. Bath Tour.

We have had a fun day. Starbucks for breakfast. Tour the Roman baths. Two bus tours. We sat on the top open deck of the bus and saw the sights of Bath, England. Lunch was at a Cornish Pasty Shop. I had the bacon, onion, and cheese pasty.

It was a cold bus ride. I am glad that I recently bought a down insulated parka and that I had packed it and that I had it on. There was a really cold wind during our ride.

The following are pictures of our morning activities. The Roman Baths looked just like the pictures I have seen. There was a terrific museum with the tour of the baths. There was even one Mallard duck.

The tall building in the background is the Bath Abbey.

The Romans knew how to live. They were in Bath for 400 years. I knew that it would not last.

This is a model of the Roman Baths and Temple. The roof over the main pool was the tallest structure in Britain at the time.

This is parts of the pediment.

This duck had the pool all to himself.

We sat on the top of this bus. I thought that the paint job on the bus was really something.


  1. I am so glad your having such a nice time! I am loving the posts.

  2. Annie. Don't you have anything to do except read my blog? You waited 2 or 3 minutes before you commented.
