Friday, April 20, 2012

D-Day Beaches.

On May 27 to May 30 my daughter Nancy and I will be staying in Bayeux, France. I am looking forward to this stay. We will be a few minutes from the start of battlefield tours. We will see the beaches and the American Cemetery. Nearby Caen has a great D-Day Museum. We will spend a day visiting Mont St Michel. We will see the Bayeux tapestry which depicts the events of another strategic battle, the Norman victory at Hastings over the Anglo Saxons.

Bayeux is really in a great location. Picked by my excellent tour guide, Nancy Wright.

I am getting in shape for the steps in our hotel (Reine Mathilda) and our visit to Mont St Michel. A reader of this blog, Carrie, has advised me to build up my endurance for the steps at Mont St Michel.

1 comment:

  1. A month from today we will be in London. I'm looking forward to your blog posts from France and the UK.
