Saturday, March 10, 2012

Vital measurements taken every Tuesday plus miles walked the previous week.

I want to be in shape for my up coming trip to England and France. I do not want to miss anything because of not being in condition to walk. I am on a diet (small portions) and have started an exercise walking program. As a goad to my determination I am going to post data on my progress each week. Last year I posted everyday for several months. But that was too much. This year I am going to post weekly as of Tuesday. The table below is for every Tuesday this year. The columns from the left are; Date, Weight in pounds, Waist measurement in inches, Temperature in degrees F, Blood pressure high, Blood pressure low, Pulse in beats per minute, and Miles that I walked in the previous week.

I am doing pretty good and feeling good. My walking has increased from about a mile a day to about 1 and a 1/2 miles per day, except for the middle of February when I was fighting a persistent cough and feeling punk.  I am proud of my weight loss and I think that I have lost an inch around my waist. Where did it go?

I want to get my walking up to two miles a day and hope to lose another ten pounds before the trip day of May 15.
Date Weight Waist Temp BP High BP Low Pulse Miles
1/3/12 252 50.8 96.9 134 66 69 8.5
1/10/12 248 50.1 96.8 136 63 67 7.6
1/17/12 247.4 50.3 96.2 135 62 74 7.5
1/24/12 252.4 50.9 96.4 141 70 66 8
1/31/12 248.2 50.3 96.3 134 61 68 10.7
2/7/12 243.8 50.1 96.5 130 64 64 11.1
2/14/12 241.2 50.9 96.6 133 66 75 9.5
2/21/12 240.2 50.5 96.6 121 62 70 6.3
2/28/12 239.2 50.5 96.5 140 61 62 11.6
3/6/12 234.8 49.7 96.2 128 60 62 11.8


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