Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day at the Races.

Their off!

The races were 330 yards or 1/6 mile. The race was all over in 12 to 18 seconds. But they were exciting. The races were every 20 minutes. It kept you busy watching the horses get their tattoo checked, parade the circle, get saddled, get mounted and parade to the starting gate.

This is the tattoo lady. The groom holds the horse's upper lip so that she can check the number that is tattooed there against her list on the clipboard. We do not want any ringers in the race! 

Lizard the horse expert is placing the bets.

Couple of men looking for a horse to ride.

The Coon**s Farm is in Pea Ridge I think.

After a couple hours I found that the best place to see the race was in the air conditioned bar on the TV.