Friday, January 13, 2012

Basketball double header!

After a class last night from 6 to 8 on digital photography I went to the Thomas Gym to see what was left of a Louisiana Tech vs Idaho double header. The men played first. When I got to the game about nine a Tech Bullddog was making two points at the free throw line.

This tied the score and led to overtime. Scoreboard said 76 to 76 and 54 seconds to play.

The Bulldogs lost in overtime.

The man in the big light colored shirt is at almost every basketball game.

The Idaho men's team only had five suits vs our usual seven suits, but they still won.

The Lady Techsters won their game easily. They did not start play until after nine and ended their game about eleven. I stayed until the band sang "oh Lord it is hard to be humble"

These three ladies are loyal Techster fans.

I did not get into bed until eleven. I thought if I was up so late I would watch some TV. I watched the late shows until midnight. I still got up at 4  am to attend the Jefferson Corner Sports Club meeting at 5 am.  I had a full Thursday starting with hitting a deer at 6:30, going to a Doctor appointment in Monroe, photo class at 6, and then go to the basketball games.

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