Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another milestone for the old prune picker.

Today is the 65th anniversary of the birth of my oldest child and daughter, Nancy Ann. I want to wish her a very happy birthday and the prayer that she will have many more.

I calculate that I was 21 years old when Jackie gave birth to Nancy. Jackie had a difficult delivery with Nancy. She was in labor off and on for five days. It was hard on me too. I remember saying that I had not had my shoes or socks off for five days. However, I think that Jackie would have traded places with me!

You can see in the picture that Nancy was a beautiful girl. I was so very proud of her. She is still beautiful and I am still very proud of her.


  1. What a sweet picture of Mom. I love it. Happy Birthday Mom. You should be very happy and proud to know that she grew up to be an amazing MOM and one of my best friends too. I love her so much and thank God for her each and every day.

  2. You both have made me feel very special.
