Sunday, September 11, 2011

Thomas Volney Munson

Thomas Volney Munson, or TV to his friends is a distant cousin of mine who is famous in the history of Texas grape husbandry. He was born at Astoria, Illinois in 1843. He earned BS and a MS degrees in Natural Science from the University of Kentucky. He taught at the University for one year. Then poor health caused him to go into the nursery business. He moved his business to Denison, Texas. He devoted the rest of his life to grape research. In 1883 France awarded him the Legion of Honor for saving the French grape industry. He found a treatment for a root problem. So there is a touch of Munson in every bottle of French wine!

In 1988 the T.V. Munson Memorial Vineyard and Vitaculture-Ecology Center was dedicated at the Grayson County College in Denison, Texas.

He was a freethinker and wrote his own eulogy that was read at his funeral in 1913.

He is worth a google.

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