Thursday, June 2, 2011

Caney Lake Swingers dance at the Lincoln Senior Center.

The Caney Lake Swingers square dance club from Jonesboro came to Ruston to entertain the members of the Lincoln Council on Aging at the Senior Center. Everyone enjoyed the presentation. On the stage in the first picture are Francis Stinson, Jerry Stinson, and Gladys Ann Reed. Francis cues the round dancing, Gladys called the square dances, and Jerry was in charge of the whole show. Jerry is President of the club and is a walking talking ambassador for square and round dancing. He and Francis are at a dance every night of the week.

I was talking to one of the members of the Senior Center and she said she could remember when Francis and Jerry were kids. Well they are still acting like kids!

The pictures above taken when Gladys was calling square dancing. Pictures below are of round dancers following the cues of Francis.

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