Monday, May 30, 2011

My Memorial Day.

There is a cemetery in Ruston that every year has a display of flags and a Memorial Day program. I drove around the cemetery and took this picture. I did not stop because food was not involved.

I then went to the Richard Jones Fish Fry. Legally it is the Cooktown Baptist Church annual Memorial Day fish fry for veterans. I call it the Richard Jones Fish Fry because Richard catches all the catfish for the meal There is a couple hundred veterans and guests. Richard catches the fish in traps. Once he had 222 fish in his trap. He is just a delightful guy and a good fisherman!

After a delicious fish fry meal I drove to the Green Clinic which was having a hamburger cook out for veterans. I was greeted by JD Harper, Commander of the VFW Post who cooks breakfast foe me and others every Tuesday morning. His day had started at 2 am. He was up so early to schedule the placement of over a hundred flags in town. Several ROTC cadets did the work. He also had placed flags around the Green Clinic hamburger feed.

On the way home I stopped by the Micham Peach Orchard and picked up some peach ice cream. Micham had not heard about free food for veterans on Memorial Day. I had to pay for the ice cream!

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