Tuesday, May 31, 2011

John's Supper

John brought his wok over to me (the couch potato) and proudly said all the veggies had been grown in his yard. The shrimp to be added was from his sister in Lake Arthur. Sure good looking food!

Skip motohomes us to Moon's.

Skip's 43 foot motorhome sure looked big in the Jefferson Corner parking lot.

The delegation from the Jefferson Corner Liars Club loaded up.

There was an excellent crew in the cockpit.

We arrived at Moon's in Homer, Louisiana.

From the left is son in law Doug Gibbons, father in law Skip Russell, old prune picker Chuck Monson, and the President of the Jefferson Corner Liars Club Tommy Boddie. The photographer was John Roebuck who is the co pilot pictured in the fourth picture in this series. John had come into some money and paid the bill.

Dress up the front yard.

I posted this picture a while back with the comment that the house could use a little work.

They did a little work in the front yard. It looks like this now. Better, huh? Looks like a bunch of good veggies.

5/30/11 241.6 50.5 124 63 67 97 2430 91 73 0

Monday, May 30, 2011

My Memorial Day.

There is a cemetery in Ruston that every year has a display of flags and a Memorial Day program. I drove around the cemetery and took this picture. I did not stop because food was not involved.

I then went to the Richard Jones Fish Fry. Legally it is the Cooktown Baptist Church annual Memorial Day fish fry for veterans. I call it the Richard Jones Fish Fry because Richard catches all the catfish for the meal There is a couple hundred veterans and guests. Richard catches the fish in traps. Once he had 222 fish in his trap. He is just a delightful guy and a good fisherman!

After a delicious fish fry meal I drove to the Green Clinic which was having a hamburger cook out for veterans. I was greeted by JD Harper, Commander of the VFW Post who cooks breakfast foe me and others every Tuesday morning. His day had started at 2 am. He was up so early to schedule the placement of over a hundred flags in town. Several ROTC cadets did the work. He also had placed flags around the Green Clinic hamburger feed.

On the way home I stopped by the Micham Peach Orchard and picked up some peach ice cream. Micham had not heard about free food for veterans on Memorial Day. I had to pay for the ice cream!

Soldier with a tan.

That is probably the best tan I have ever had. I normally just blister. I took yesterday off from walking. In yesterday's statistics you can see I only took 1050 steps. That is just next to being dead! Hope to do better today.

5/29/11 241.2 50.5 123 60 65 96.5 1050 91 73 0

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Tornado Country and Fiddle Fest.

A is Joplin, Missouri and 45 miles to the Southwest is B which marks Grove, Oklahoma. Grove is where the fiddle fest is held. Larry and I might detour to see the tornado damage in Joplin. That is really being a tourist, to go see a disaster zone! I hope that would be all we will see of a tornado. We are going to tornado alley in the tornado season. Our trip is planned for Thursday the 9th of June.

Eskamoe Frozen Custard.

One of my jobs is to test all of the new ice cream places. Last week I visited the Orange Leaf Yogurt place in Monroe. Today I went to the Eskamoe Frozen Custard in Ruston. It eats just like a thick real good ice cream.

It swallows real good. I went to the swallow doctor on Tuesday and told him my swallowing was just the same as before he stretched my esophagus a month or so ago. He asked me if I wanted him to stretch it again. I said no, maybe in a while, depending on my swallow. 

Richard Wayne Howard. Better known as Lizard.

Lizard is the Mayor of Pea Ridge and the Sage of the Jefferson Corner Liars Club. Among other things he introduced me to going to the horse races in Shreveport. He is also a gourmet chef. Lizard brought a jar of his famous pickled eggs to the meeting of the Club this morning.

With some pepper and crackers I had a delicious breakfast.

5/27/11 241 50.1 134 53 61 96.4 3100 91 72 0

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Realtor wants to see the house.

The Realtor who is trying to sell John's house said prospective buyers want to be able to see the front of the house. John and Kerry had a four year growth of shrubs that they liked very much, but the front of the house could not be seen.

It was lovely, but the Realtor insisted on a trim job.

It bothered John to remove the shrubs. I hope that it helps the Realtor sell the house.

Behind the counter at the Waffle House.

John and I had breakfast at the Waffle House this morning. I was impressed by the number of workers behind the counter and took these pictures. I counted nine workers. Almost one for every four customers. They work in close quarters!

5/26/11 240.4 50.2 111 57 64 96.2 5100 88 68 0

Friday, May 27, 2011

Nolan Coleman. Dedicated gardener and landscaper and good guy!

Nolan was so nice to invite Rhonda and Rosa Blakley and me to see his yard at the height of spring. What a lovely, lovely place. Nolan and his family have created a beautiful place. They moved on the place in 1965. That is 46 years ago. How they got it so good looking in such a short time is beyond me. How they keep it looking so good is miraculous, especially to me. I always hated yard work and Nolan's yard requires tons of it.

Rhonda asked so many intelligent questions.

The painting on the saw blade is a painting of the house that Nolan grew up in.

These three large pin oaks were planted after Nolan moved in. He has watched them grow for 46 years.

Nolan has a problem with Canadian geese.
I have such a time getting a picture of Rhonda smiling!
Rhonda petting Polka Dot. 
Rhonda petting Blaze, 
Rhonda petting Jackson.

Blaze is a ladies man!
Gee, Mom, you mean I have to go back to work?