Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Boy! Did Baylor wax Tech.

Pretty scene isn't it? It was a nice day except for a cold breeze. This is during the National Anthem. I had the best seat. The hopes of the Techsters were high.
Three hours later Baylor had won both games of a double header. Scores: first game 11 to 0, second game 9 to 0. The Techsters got on base only three times. Baylor sure did not need any rooting from me.

2/22/11 242.6 50 131 62 62 95.9 4347 74 55 0


  1. That good old Baylor line,
    That good old Baylor line,
    We'll march forever down the years,
    as long as stars shall shine.
    We'll fling our green and gold afar,
    to light the ways of time,
    and guide us as we onward go
    That good old Baylor line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
