Saturday, January 8, 2011

Nutrisytem Start 9 Jan 2011.

I hate dieting. Left to my natural inclinations I have gained 5 pounds per month for the last five months. In the first half of last year I had dropped 25 pounds with  Nutrisystem. I have put it all back on! Darn, I feel so stupid and weak kneed. I plan to do better this year.

Last year all of the Nutrisystem meals were dry. This year about a third of the meals are frozen. There are even four ice cream cups and some ice cream bars. My little RV refrigerator  freezer is almost full.

7-Jan-11 249 50.8 131 62 64 96.2 3902 74 37 0

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  1. Last summer I went from 277 to 253. Then, from August to December I went back up to 283! Talk about week-kneed! Must run in the family. I'm back on the same (low carb) diet and hope I can figure out a way to keep it off this time.

  2. Hang in there Mike. I am pulling for us!
