Friday, September 3, 2010

Dinner at the Newberry's.

I had a nice visit and a delicious dinner at Joy and David's last night. Joy is my grand daughter. She is the oldest daughter of my daughter, Kerry. She lives 35 miles away from Ruston in West Monroe. Joy and David have three nice boys, Ethan, Ross, and Christian. Joy lives in a world of men.

David and Christian (20 Months)

Ethan (9)

Ross (6). He is growing some new teeth.

Ethan introduces me to Lady. Ethan brought Lady home the other day. Joy is glad to have another female in the house. All of the Newberrys enjoy Lady.

Lady is a hamster. She will eat out of Joy's hand. She appeared to be very nice.

Ross, Joy, and Christian. Ethan relaxes in the background.

Christian and I agree that it had been a lovely evening.

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