Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Morro Bay

In 1944 I was at Morro Bay for combat landing training. I drove there one last time to see Morro Rock again. First pic is of Morro Rock from up the coast. Second pic is of the power plant at Morro Bay. The plant was there in 1944 and the troops used to board landing craft in front of the plant. Then around Morro Rock and out to sea where we would go around in circles until we formed lines of landing craft and land on the beach north of Morro Bay. We won everytime! After we had the machine guns all set up we would send someone over to the highway to buy candy bars and pop.

Third pic is a closer shot of the rock. We went through this practice at Morro Bay several times. One time we loaded on troop ships and landed on San Clemente Island and the beach at Camp Pendleton. On the way to the Palau Islands for our first real combat landing we practice one last time on Guadalcanal Island. We got in and out of the Higgins Boats many times!

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