Wednesday, August 18, 2010

July 2010 visit to Evergreen Coho Resort

Jackie and I lived at the Evergreen Coho Resort from 1989 to 2006. That is the longest we lived in a place. 17 years. They were mostly good years until Jackie had medical problems. We helped build the clubhouse and 175 sheds. We loved the Resort and still do. This July was my third trip back to the Resort. I spent 3 weeks there and really enjoyed it. Lots of visiting with good friends. I am proud of the Resort and want to complement the present members who are doing such a good job maintaining the place. It really looks sharp!

Here are some pics from my last visit.

During the last year or so the coop built this fountain at the entrance. They did a great job.

This is the coop office and registration building. In the early days Jackie and I pulled shifts in the building.

That is Bill Friel of the Las Cruces Friels standing by a litter sign. He went down the banks after trash and I threw him a rope to pull him back up. The next pic is of the clubhouse. We are proud of that home made totem pole. The carvings tell the story of the coop.

Two of the lots. The near one is a conventional fifth wheel. The far one is a little bit more ornate RV. Almost looks like a house, huh?

Above is lot 649 where Jackie spent the longest time of our lives together. Doesn't the gravel look homey? 20 yards of gravel to get above the water level.  Notice the high rear hip on the shed. I did that to get more storage space in the loft. The next pic is of the backyard. I planted the Rhodies. The trees were seedlings when we moved on the lot in 1990.

A rest garden.
I helped build the gazebo. Cut a lot of shingles.

A lovely herb garden

The RV of the Turners. Sure looks nice.
Another view of the clubhouse.


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