Sunday, August 15, 2010

Christy, Jeff, Ella, and Catalina.

On Sat, August 14 I visited Christy and Jeff Butcher and their two dughters in Costa Mesa, California. They are such a beautiful family and were so kind and gracious to me. Jeff Butcher is the son of my nephew Daryl Butcher. I visited Daryl  last October in Cambridge, MD. Google says that the distance from Daryl's home to Jeff's home is 2760 miles. I must say that I get around!

Ella and Catalina are twin girls 14 months old. The top pic is of Ella. The second pic is of Catalina. The third pic is a gamily portrait. They are just as nice as they look. Pic 4 is of Charlie, who is a nice guy too.

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