Wednesday, November 25, 2020

A barrel of peanut butter.

I can remember going to the food store (Torley's in Pomona, California) with my folks and they bought a wax paper bucket of peanut butter. They bought it at the butcher's counter. The butcher scooped the peanut butter out of a barrel and filled the paper bucket. Waxed paper buckets were used for various food items and were in common use. The bucket was square and had a wire handle. By the time we got home the peanut oil was seeping through the waxed paper bucket. You could see a line halfway up the bucket that marked the seeping oil. The peanut butter had to be transferred into a glass container.

I liked the peanut butter. Over the years I have learned to like it much more. I have eaten a barrel or two of peanut butter in my lifetime. 95 years. That is a lot of peanut butter! And jelly, jam, or honey.

Thursday, November 12, 2020

The Education of a Mobility Scooter Driver.

What is a mobility scooter?

During the course of my bout with lung cancer I was unable to walk more than 10 feet with out resting. Any exertion laid me low. I needed a mobility scooter. My dear friend and buddy brought me a powered wheelchair. (mobility scooter) Richard and Cheryl Maxwell drove 8 hours to do that!

This is a first class powered wheel chair. It is powerful and agile. However it could not operate over much of my terrain. The yard is covered with loose gravel and sand. The chair would bog down and get stuck. It worked perfectly on a normal surface.

I purchased a bottom of the line mobility scooter.

I was disappointed. It was weak and also would not operate where I wanted to go. I felt like I was going to be tossed off at any time. So I recently purchased a stronger mobility scooter. 

It will carry a load of 500 pounds, has a top speed o 15 miles per hour, and travel 43 miles on a charge.

Fortunately radiation treatments shrunk my cancer. I got some wind back. I am now in much better condition. I can do a little more and walk much further. My need for a mobility scooter is much less. But I enjoy the stronger scooter and will be able to travel some of our neighborhood. Our area has good gravel roads connecting 5 acre fishing camps. It is a great place. Much nature and critter watching. I am a long time bird watcher.

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

The Wrocks of Dana Point, CA paid us a visit.

My oldest grandson and his family paid us a visit last week end. What a great time we had even  with masks and no hugging! Here are some pictures to commemorate the weekend. It was wonderful to spend quality time with Matt, Janelle, Winter, and Holly.

Matt swam the lake! Over to the other side and back.

The Wrocks enjoy the fire ring.